Three Kinda Original Mind Blowing Thoughts

  • What if intelligent life always existed on earth in the form of the predominant species on the planet? Is it impossible to believe that an intelligent fish, insect or reptilian race ever existed here on Earth? The idea intrigues yet scare me. I used to be scared of Dinosaurs and little Grey Aliens, now I'm scared of giant ancient reptile people. 
  • What if the primordial Earth was struck by a giant comet whose giant metalcore became Pangaea, the ice particles became our oceans and the moment of impact became the moon? I call this the Big Splat Theory. 
  • What if the history of civilisation on Earth is actually a cycle and the Pyramids are a relic of a lost civilisation more advanced than our own that lived, died and were reborn this time as bankers building pyramid schemes?


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